Sunday, March 27, 2005

Hand Clapping Band

I'm on a patio, at dusk, with a whole bunch of people. We are a hand clapping band, and make rhythm pieces up, with about fifteen of us clapping at different tempos. We do it with music in the background so that it's to people's favourite tunes, but with more pizzaz. We're scheduled to do a big public performance at an old folk's home, but when we get to the address, we realize that we're in kind of a department store. There are tons of people there to watch us. Br. is with me - we're kind of in charge I suppose. I have chosen for us to do a Gwen Stefani song, last minute, to make him happy. The principal is upset by this, saying that it's not appropriate, and that she swears too much. I assure him that we'll substitute the words, "This is my shit, this is my shit," with "This is my stuff." He is not happy, but can tell that we're going to do it anyhow. I run around, telling everyone what we have to say instead of shit, and making everyone warm up. I call Br. to let him know, and I get this weird message on his phone. "Amber... thanks for calling AGAIN Amber..." It's really rude, and totally hurts my feelings. Now I'm pissed that I've made this Gwen song happen for him. We start up, and do this marching band piece that we were slated to do, and then Gwen fires up. Sure enough, I can see Br., and he's totally stoked. He's waving his hands around in the air inbetween clapping, and waves and me, grinning. I finger him, and mouth the words "Fuck you!" to him. He rolls his eyes, and I am really upset.

The concert is over. This super cute guy that looks like a marine comes up to me. The department store kind of looks more like a hospital now, and he comes into my cubicle thingy. He puts his hand behind my head, and gives me this awesome kiss. He hands me this folder, and it's all about him, from the school district. He's from NJ, and when I ask him about this, he says that he plans on staying here. He's got my folder, and I pull it out of his hands to read it. It says that I'm mentally ill, and that I made up a story about my dad being on this firing squad thing in the IRA that isn't true. It's got all the stuff about me doing drugs, skipping school, being a nuisance, and copies of my essays in highschool... one is called "Who's womb is it anyways?" It's a rant about anti-abortion activists. They've kept all my somewhat subversive school papers in one spot. Everything is hi-lighted. I am laughing, and look up at him. "They didn't quite know what to make of me in highschool." I say to him... "Nobody did except a couple of art teachers & one Social Studies teacher... everyone else didn't get me." (This is kind of true, actually) He doesn't care, and we decide that we're going to date exclusively. We make out some more, and he leaves.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Hotel a la Slides

In a small town. I am a newspaper reporter of sorts, and I am interviewing these greasy hicks that run a local convenience store. They're hairy, a little overweight, and all wearing baseball caps or sporting mullets. The sun filters through smoke in the room, and there is dark red carpeting everywhere. It feels like a bar in the afternoon, but they are selling Red Bull & candies, gum & cigarettes. I ask them how they got started, and one of them starts giving me straight up business advice. He tells me that it only took $100K to buy the store, and now, they both have steady jobs & good incomes. He tells me that they only stay there for as long as they need to make the money that they need to make in a day, and then one of them can go home to sleep, hang out with their wife, drink beer, whatever. He tells me that I should do that too - take my $100K and buy a good business for myself. He leans over me, kind of pinning me against the wall. It's extremely sexual to any onlooker, but it's just his way of getting my attention. I know that my boyfriend is watching us, and I don't want him to be worried, so I try & make my body language say that it's okay. I'm wearing tight-fitting cheap black woolen gloves, and I'm waving my hands around, and nodding, to show that I'm not into this guy.

I'm reading the newspaper article that I wrote about the guys, and am pleased with how it turned out. I go to a local bar, and as I walk in, I'm amazed to see how hoppin' it is. Everyone is dancing, the music is a live band, and they are just a'jammin'. A woman reaches over the edge of the stage, and grabs the guitar from the guy playing - she knocks it on the edge of the stage, and I think that she's going to get in trouble, but she doesn't, just laughs it off. She puts it behind her back, and strums the entrance to a song. Everyone goes wild, she hands the guitar back, and gets up on stage. Everyone has a partner, and is dancing amazingly well. I realize that I have no one to dance with, and decide to go back to the hotel to pick up K... (I have been dreaming a lot about my ex-husband lately, and it wiggs me out to be honest)

I get to the hotel. It feels European, and there is obviously a ski resort nearby, because there are these two hot Japanese girls in snowboard gear. They are buying Paris Hilton sleeping masks that are white with orange trim, and look painfully cute/hot in their outfits, little Burton snowboarding boots, and pants that don't make their butts look huge. I head for the stairs that will take me to floor two. They are like an escalator, but they LOOK normal, with red carpet with a black design on them. The banister is thick creamy coloured plastic, but it doesn't move. The escalator drags me upwards, and I hang onto the banister until I'm about to be pulled backwards, then walk my hands upwards to meet up with the stairs. They are steep as fuck, and I keep feeling like I'm going to fall off. At the top, there is a busy information desk, and then over to the left, there are a series of dark reddish-purple coloured slides. I realize that these slides are how you get to your hotel floor/room.

I see a family get on one, and whizz off. I try & see some signs marking where they go, but am unable to. I get on one of them, and start sliding down - they're slick, and I go pretty fast - curving around, thinking how neat this is. They segment here & there, and I come to a hole in the wall where the slide goes outside. I stop myself with my feet, and look out the hole after putting my legs through it. There is the framework of a slide, but no slide out there, and it's quite high up, so I bring my legs back into the building, and continue sliding. I see my floor listed on the side of the slide, so I try & get over there, but end up taking the wrong slide. It's silver, and has lots of scratches on it, and they snag my clothes, and slow me down. It's kind of a garbage slide, and takes me into a very busy food court. Everyone looks over at me, and I'm kind of embarassed, but try to stay cool. Somehow, in my head, I can see into the hotel room, and K. is sleeping on the floor next to the bathtub, and I know that he won't want to get up. I head back to the pub alone.

I get to the pub, and it's totally dead inside. I realize that before, they were only putting on a show for me so that I thought it was busy... they know that I'm a reporter or something. I feel bummed out.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Tall trees & swooshing water

I am running away from K., my ex-husband. He is fribbed out on drugs, and has two goons with him, and I am scared shitless. I am running over a field, but it's first thing in the morning, and I'm petrified that my feet are leaving a trail in the dew encrusted grass. I reach a forest, and can hear the men behind me, chasing, jeering & laughing at me. I find this huge tree, with branches everywhere - thick, strong branches. I start to climb them, and find that I can climb them kind of like a spiral staircase. The sky & branches whirl in circles over my head as I frantically climb up. The men spot me, and as they point & laugh, the branches start to weaken. The wood becomes older, and the branches grown thinner, and I am starting to slide towards the ground. I grab a bunch of branches at the same time, but they still start to bend over like a highjump pole does when you vault over the high pole marker. I frantically start to try & break one of the branches off, and while most of them shatter, and turn to a bunch of splintery, dusty old pieces of wood in my hands, I finally manage to break one off close to the ground. I am SO far up in the air, the men look like little insects. I feel like God, I am huge, and so close to the sun. My branch is so long, and it's pointed at one end. There are no little branches coming off of it - it's like a spear, and I start trying to kill them with it. They ARE little, and I AM big. My branch keeps missing them, as I jab it earthward bound over & over again, leaving little dents. They roll away from it, screaming obscenities & insults at me. I am growing red in the face from anger and frustration at not being able to jab them. I catch one of their pant legs & nail it to the ground, and they begin to become frightened of me. My jabs grow wilder, faster, but still, I cannot kill any of them. I am still so scared, but now feel like a monster for my behaviour.

I am at a construction site. A new house is being built. It belongs to Ryan's parents. First, I see the pool - it's a lap pool, and I tell him how I've always dreamed of having an indoor one. There a kidney shaped pool attached to it - the whole thing is pretty swanky, and then off the side of the concrete there is a pool house. Two of the walls of the new house have been constructed, and the foundation has been poured. It's on the edge of a busy street, and cars whoosh past. The weather is the same as the stick killing dream - it's overcast, rainy & dreary. The foundation has been poured in a weird way, and water has been collecting in it for days. It's almost like a swimming pool, but the water is kind of murky & dirty. All of a sudden, inexplicably, the water begins to move like a wave pool, back and forth, sloshing up & over the partially constructed walls. This doesn't strike us as odd, and we continue talking while the water thrashes about in the foundation. I ask him how much the house was, and he tells me $400K... I am a little suprised, as it doesn't seem all that big, but the more that I look at the house, the more beautiful I realize it's going to be. Ryan has weird hair - kind of like a monk, with a bad bowl cut... his bangs are thin, and it makes him look a bit like a monkey/old man.

I am inside a house. The venetian blinds are down, but open, and rain is pouring down like it does in Asia... it seems to be falling up too, as the splashes kick it back up a few inches. It's still a bright & clear day, but the rain is just smashing into the ground. I comment on it.

I am getting into a car. This dream comes after the one with the javelin branch thing, but feels like it happened before. I get into the back seat, and I notice that someone is already back there. It's K., and he's totally fribbed out on crack, and is paranoid and freaking out. I try to sooth him, but am SO angry at the driver for putting us in the same car. I am rubbing his back & telling him that it's going to be okay, but I am not a happy camper.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Giving Head and Making Out

There was this nekked guy, with two huge biker types right next to him. They forced him over into the plough position in yoga, and then made him give himself head. It was kind of hot, very scary, and unbelievable all at the same time. I wasn't actually there, I was watching it kind of through a camera lens, and it kept automatically changing angles..

Dustin & I are in this warehouse that he lives in. There's a raised platform with beech stairs leading up to it. We're on the couch, sitting next to W. & A. and he starts kissing me (weird, his song just came onto my media player, one that he sings, as I'm typing this... how odd) It starts getting pretty hot & heavy, and W&A have to move way over on the couch so that we can get busy next to them. I break away from a passionate kiss, horrified... I'm with Ja! What am I doing? Upset, I leave the room, and walk into the kitchen. He follows me, as does A., and I start raving about how I've ruined everything with Ja., and what was I thinking, blah blah blah. I decide that I'm going to tell Ja., before the story gets back to him. A&W assure me that they won't tell him, but I just don't trust that the truth won't come out, and feel like a coward when I even think about keeping it a secret. Later on in the same dream, Dustin & I are making out on this set of stairs... I keep trying to break away - friends are sleeping in sleeping bags all around us, but he keeps pulling me back. The bed is balanced on the edge of the stairs, and it keeps almost falling off, but he tells me no, that it'll be fine. It's hot, but very scary at the same time. At this point in the dream, I'm no longer with Ja., and just give in and go for it.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Second Coming of the Little Rubber Man

I am in Shan.'s house. (In real life, we haven't been friends for years, due to her personal problems - drinking, drugging, neglecting her kids, getting fired for stealing from work... just not able to get her shit together) She's still with the same guy, and looks totally amazing. She is tanned, great hair, her skin doesn't look all shitty and rugged anymore. She is smiling, has on lots of silver jewellery, and has been working out. She seems really happy, and asks if I want to see the girls. I go downstairs with her, and D., her ex, but now not ex, is downstairs too. It's dark down there, and as my eyes adjust to the light, I realize that nothing has changed at all. It was all an illusion.

In my hands are little bugs. They are alive, and they are trying to eat me. I frantically try to brush them off, but their little legs cling to my skin. I quickly raise one to my mouth, and as it touches my mouth, it turns into a soft little candy shaped like a bug. I bite its head off, and eat it, as it has turned sweet & green in my mouth. I do this a number of times, but whatever I don't finish turns into another bug as I take my hand away from my mouth.

I am carrying a child in my arms. It turns into a little man. The little man is fat & stubby, and looks at me evily. He has horrible eyes, and pointy teeth, and is trying to get at me. I am trying to kill him before he can get away, and he struggles with me. We thrash around, and suddenly, it's he who is trying to get me. I keep almost getting out of the room, and he grips me by the ankle and pulls me back in. I am hitting him as hard as I can, and then I get a good hold on him. He starts shrinking. I try & rip him in half, but he's too tough. I try to get my teeth into him to start a tear, and am shocked to find out that he is turning into rubber. I try to pull him apart, but he stretches, I wrap him around my finger tighter and tighter, but he is steadily growing smaller & smaller. He's now like a red little rubber toy, all wound around my finger. I see a tiny split growin, and start to work at it with my teeth, trying to tease the tear into something more substantial. I consciously remember the little white rubber man from another dream.

Right before I wake up, I am watching a family in a park. The little boy is telling his mum & dad about a school project that he had to complete. He had to write something in English, and then something in another language. He has chosen his First Nations language, and has translated Happy Birthday. He's used pencil in his notebook, and even though there are a lot of mistakes, he has given it a really good shot - crossing things out, his thick clumsy writing spilling across the page. He reads it out, and I find myself looking at elders of the First Nations who are walking away from Walmart, and past the little boy, seeing if the recognize what he's saying. They are oblivious, and what was once a weird kind of pride for the little boy keeping his language alive becomes a kind of sadness that no one understands it anymore.

I am with Greasy Johnson.... this old man that I used to know in real life. He has given me $5.00 and asked that I go into this shop and buy something for a little girl that he knows. I assure him that I know just what to get her, and jump down out of the truck. I start looking around for a shiny, sparkly, rhinestone necklace that looks like diamonds her her. After looking for some time, I realize that they have nothing like this. I start looking at little earrings after a kinda snotty salesperson proves to be no help at all. I get caught up with looking at shoes with a teenage daughter of a friend. I sit across from her inbetween two guys. My friend works for a cable company, and is shooting a story on teenagers shopping, or something like that. She zooms in on her daughter with the bright light in her face, and I remember thinking "Wow, she thinks it's lame, but that's pretty cool - to be on TV for no other reason than her mum being the camera woman... what connections!"

We are transporting bombs. Little bombs, in the stereotypical shape, but about the size of grenades. All the jostling around has charged a couple of them, and we realize this a bit too late. We pull the truck over to the side of the road, reach in, and toss the bombs as far away as we can. We run/trip/fall/roll down a hill covered in mud, and grab a piece of sheet-wood to cover our heads as they go off. Dirt & smoke is everywhere, but we are not hurt, and the truck is okay. We have arrived at D&A's out in Agassiz, and need to stash them, but they're still pretty hot. My dad gets a fan, and we aim it at the two hottest bombs, separating them out from the rest of them. We secure the garage, seal the top of it, and head into the house. My sister is there, and we're getting settled into our rooms.