Saturday, August 06, 2005

Man in the Oven

I'm in a kitchen in an apartment, presumably mine. The lino is dingy, as are the walls, but the appliances are bright, shiny and new looking. I have a man in my oven - I'm not sure why he's there, but I do know that nobody is supposed to know that he's there. It's an uncomfortable fit for him - his limbs are all at odd angles, and his head looks like it might break off his body. I try to close the oven door, and it just won't happen, I push against it, and finally, something gives so that it will close. He makes some noise, and I worry, someone is going to find out that he's in there. Someone else is with me - they're the one who put him in there in the first place. He's got a knife, and opens the oven door, telling the man inside that he'd better be quiet... I say, "Don't you think you should just do it? Are you going to slit his throat?" I am horrified, but am so worried about us getting caught that I just want him to get it over with.

Now, I'm in a huge, empty room. Sh is there, sitting on the floor, and a bunch of other people are coming over. I'm so upset, wanting them to leave, as the man in the oven has been in there for a couple of weeks, and I need to keep it a secret. Now, the oven is outside, on a rooftop, in the very corner, and I'm sitting near it. I'm trying to get everyone to go home, but more people just keep coming out onto the roof. Someone is walking their dog near it, and I'm so scared, the dog is sniffing around, and looks like it knows what's up. I know that the body is all decomposing, and that I need to get rid of it. I'm not responsible for the death, but I do know that this person IS in my oven, has been for quite a long time, and the fact that I haven't called it in to anyone makes me look pretty damned guilty. I think about ways to get rid of his body - cutting off a limb, and then flushing little bits of flesh down the toilet one piece at a time... I worry about a piece getting stuck, and meat piling up behind it, imagine it rotting in the sewer pipes, and people finding out about it. He's too big for me to move by myself, and I feel nauseous at the thought of removing bits at a time. I think about leaving, just walking away, but it's my rooftop, and someone is bound to peek in that oven at some point.

A woman with red hair approaches me. She's a cop, and it makes me extremely nervous to have her standing anywhere near the oven. She goes to stand with her partner, and they ask me if we can take a little walk. What am I going to do? I start walking away from the oven, and look over my shoulder, giving it a too long glance before I realize that they're probably watching me. They look back at the oven, and now, there's more than one person walking their dogs, and all the dogs are starting to sniff at the appliance. Other dogs on the rooftops of other buildings are starting to bay & bark, getting all worked up at the smell of the man in the oven. I'm so scared. There's a close up of a german shepherd standing up against a wall, his head peeking over the top, sniffing and sniffing with his nose.

I wake up. What the fuck kind of dream IS that?


Blogger Amanda said...

A creepy messed up dream, that's what that is! I tell you, I'm not reading about your dreams at 4:30am anymore, that's for sure.

August 8, 2005 at 11:21 AM  

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